Sarojini Nagar Market Timings

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By shivkantpandey


Welcome to Sarojini Nagar Market in Delhi, a busy shopping area loved by locals and tourists. This guide will help you understand the market’s hours so you can enjoy your visit and shop to your heart’s content.

Exploring the Market’s History:

Before we talk about the market hours, let’s remember the history of Sarojini Nagar Market. It started before independence and has become a popular fashion destination, mixing old and new styles. We aim to provide accurate and current information to improve your shopping experience.

Sarojini Nagar Market Timings:


The market opens at 10:00 AM on weekdays for early shoppers. You can find unique fashion items at the stalls until 8:00 PM. It’s best to visit during these hours to avoid the weekend crowds and enjoy the market at your own pace.


On weekends, Sarojini Nagar Market stays open longer for shoppers seeking great deals. It opens at 9:00 AM on Saturdays and Sundays, giving you plenty of time to browse through stylish clothes and accessories. The market stays busy until 9:00 PM, so you can enjoy a fun shopping trip.

Tips for a Successful Shopping Excursion:

Early Bird Advantage:

Remember to also grab a map or guidebook at the entrance, so you can plan your route and prioritize which stores and stalls you want to visit first. This will help you make the most of your time and ensure that you don’t miss out on any must-see items. Embrace the hustle and bustle of the market, soak in the vibrant atmosphere, and get ready for an unforgettable shopping experience.

Weekday Serenity:

You can also look for special deals and discounts during weekdays when the market is less crowded. Additionally, you may have more space to move around and explore different stalls without feeling rushed. Weekday shopping can offer a more relaxed and enjoyable experience compared to the bustling atmosphere of weekends.

Evening Elegance:

As the day goes on, Sarojini Nagar Market becomes bright and colorful at night. The evening atmosphere makes shopping more special. We recommend staying until closing time to see the market’s magical change.


In conclusion, knowing Sarojini Nagar Market’s hours is important for planning your visit. With this information, you can plan your shopping trip wisely to make the most of your time and find the latest fashion trends.

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